It was amazing to hold a baby, just 3 hours old, in my arm. I can't even describe the feeling, though, many of you know this feeling. It's very surreal to say the least.
Oddly, I felt like I was going to drop Avery about 16 million times in the 15 minutes that I got to hold her. So strange how you can feel that way about something so small and light (7 lbs 13 oz), yet I can hold up at 50 lb weight and curl or bench press it and not have the slightest inkling that I might drop it.
It just makes you think, "man, I'm less in control of my life than I think". Humans think they are the ultimate being. I think, guess again.
I also think - thank goodness for condoms, no babies for me anytime soon! :)
Dude you lift small things everytime you take a leak... J/K bro.
Also, I would comment on the fact that you need condoms, but its just too easy dude...
I was laughing when you said that you thought you were going to drop her like 15 million times. That is ALL I think about when I hold a small being of any sort. Not the fact of IF I will drop them, but WHEN will I drop them haunts me as I cradle them. Good thing that this doesn't happen to me often. I guess if Monica ever reads this it will be hands off for me holding Avery. Guess I can probably hold her like 1/2 inch off of the bed or something to minimize the damage.
Love you bro
I think I should put this pick on my account and see if I get any emails from it... "Oh you look so good with the baby in your hands, I want you to give me a baby too". LOL J/K
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